Cancer necklace — Lucinda Barrett

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Cancer necklace


Cancer necklace

from NZ$200.00

June 21 - July 22

The poet. Living between the sea and the shore, Cancerians has the ability to exist in both the material and emotional realms. Highly intuitive and often psychic they read others well and are natural nurturers. Sensitive and self protective it is hard to know what they are thinking. They make you feel safe with their depth of understanding and tenderness but watch out for a sharp pinch if they feel threatened. They care deeply about family but their attentiveness may blur into controlling behaviour, really they are devoted and loyal. Their home is their sanctuary and it is essential that they can retreat from the chaos of everyday life.

Hand carved silver or 22ct gold plated bronze charm hanging from a 45cm sterling silver or gold plated chain.

Each piece of jewellery is hand made to order from our studio in Auckland.

We aim to get your jewellery in the post 7 days after we receive your order.

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